Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Time of change

It has been a long time since I have written.  Much change, much busy-ness.  I have been facing my own mortality as well as that of my beloved.  I have been reflecting on where I have been and where I have yet to go.  Perhaps menopause is a gift in that way, since my body gives me the cues that a part of my life is ending, preparing me for clearing out the old, grieving what is lost and reaching for what I still long for.  It seems grief is a friend to me these days, sitting next to me as if invited in to share a cup of tea.  Sometimes I would rather shoo her out, though most days I invite her to stay and just be with me.  It seems old dysfunction I thought I had left behind yet pushes through my willful defenses to go away.  Control, fear, insecurity.... show up by surprise and flow out upon my words like unwelcome dark strangers.  I accept this as awful opportunity and I  seek to look at all in the light of day, the light of the holy which continues to fill and surround me with the good news of rebirth and saving grace.  My intent is to write more music and connect it to this blog.  A singing blog.  I need some guidance on technology on how to make it happen.  Blessings to you, wherever you are in your day.  Kathryn